Day 3, 18km: from Cornellana and the Monasterio San Salvador to Salas and the albergue, El Sueño

El monasterio San Salvador was un encanto, built in the 13th century and it continues to receive pilgrims.

El Monasterio en Cornellana– San Salvador

As we left the Monasterio de San Salvador, we followed the twisty road going up and up.

The trusty scallop shell, a welcome guide along the path to Santiago

Another day of ups and downs—the Camino Primitivo, like life itself!

Nasco and I are coming up against some of our physical challenges– today my back started acting up, I stopped several times to stretch, I swore I would do yoga as soon as we reached the Albergue but instead,

Dry aged cheese in Olive and Rosemary Oil

I opted for two glasses of wine and the most scrumptious cheese soaked in and olive rosemary oil –so much more enticing.

Later I would regret the decision not to do yoga but in the moment our meal and sitting on the sunny lawn was blissful, restful, and fully enjoyable.

We sat on low chairs situated on the grassy hill , a small table between us for our drinks , and the sun warming our backs as the day came to a close.

I did a few seated stretches, maybe that will help… “Yoga”, I promise myself, “in the morning!”

Today our path lead us through jungly vegetation over the river Nacea.

Bridge over the river, overgrown with gorgeous vegetation

Bird songs filled the air and I enjoyed filling my backpack straps with the abundant and colorful wildflowers I came upon.

The magical, bucolic scene was abruptly interrupted by the sounds of chainsaws, distant explosions and the booming of large machinery at work…. The cacophony of human made machinery juxtaposing the gentle chirping of birdsong dropped my heart.

We live in a paradise we fail to protect. 

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